Job 41:31-33 “He [leviathan] makes the deep boil like a pot of ointment. He leaves a shining wake behind him; One would think the deep had white hair. On earth there is nothing like him, which is made without fear.”
What do the above verses mean to you? These verses are talking about a "monster" in biblical times called the leviathan. From these verses, we see that the leviathan is a "monster" that is often in the water. Could this mean that the “Loch Ness Monster” in Loch Ness is real? Let us look at some points presented in an article by Answers in Genesis about real life dinosaur tales:
In the film The Great Dinosaur Mystery [a movie by AIG], a number of dragon accounts are presented:
O When Alexander the Great (c. 330 BC) and his soldiers marched into India, they found that the Indians worshiped huge hissing reptiles that they kept in caves.
O England and several other cultures retain the story of St. George, who slew a dragon that lived in a cave.
O China is renowned for its dragon stories, and dragons are prominent on Chinese pottery, embroidery, and carvings.
Petroglyphs (drawings carved on rock) of dinosaurlike creatures have also been found.
In summary, people down through the ages have been very familiar with dragons. The descriptions of these animals fit with what we know about dinosaurs. The Bible mentions such creatures, even ones that lived in the sea and flew in the air. There is a tremendous amount of other historical evidence that such creatures have lived beside people.
You can read the full article by Answers in Genesis here.
Most footage does not have enough evidence to prove that there is a "monster" in the Loch Ness. Most videos of the "monster" are just really clever hoaxes planned out ahead of time.
Most people that hunt it are pretty superstitious and fearful of it, even though they have the tools they need to catch it; with advanced sonar and weapons. These teams usually set out to find it and get "videos", but they don't pursue it, thus they don't get the evidence they need to prove that what they saw was real.
To prove my point, the picture below is of the many alleged shapes of the "Loch Ness Monster".
The first sighting of the monster was in 1933. Since then, many studies have been conducted on the lake, and "behold!" something was in the lake. Some people believe that there is not one "monster" in the lake, but two. They believe that this is the case because hardly any animal is known to live for more than 80 years! Thus, there must have been at least two "monsters" in the lake. This would also explain the numerous sightings of the monster in the past 80 years.
Or, the monster is now just a myth.
Thanks, wiki!