Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Summer Encampment

Me on the obstacle course

Florida Wing Summer Encampment at Camp Blanding in Starke, Florida with the Civil Air Patrol was challenging, but a lot of fun. 

I arrived at encampment on Sunday, July 29, 2012. I felt a little bit awkward and confused, but was thankful for the helpful staff members, who safely deposited our luggage into a CAP van (it had the back seats taken out for luggage), which quickly drove off. 

After a little wait, I and several other cadets soon climbed into another CAP van on my way to check-in. The ride over was understandably quiet.

I arrived in front of a small building used as a mess hall/classroom.  I saw some sergeants and officers standing around with some cadets by the door with their luggage beside them.

By the time I was out of the van (I was in a back row), sergeants and officers were seemingly everywhere, yelling and telling me to get my luggage out of the van, which did not have our luggage in it. My luggage was in the other van. 

My flight, Bravo.

For the next six days, I marched almost everywhere, attended various classes, did several night watches, participated in a leadership reaction course, and learned how to follow strict rules such as where to put my toothbrush, etc.

Encampment changed me.  I now have a better understanding of people and the world.  It was very eye opening. 

I am thankful for my parents, who “trained me up in the way I should go”, and my family and friends, who encouraged me in my faith.  I know that without these people showing me how to have faith in God and trust Him, encampment would have been very different.

Photos courtesy of CAP's Florida Wing (

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A summary of the last few months

"The horse is prepared for the day of battle, 
But deliverance is of the LORD."
Proverbs 21:32

A lot has happened in the last few months that I'd like to share.
First, a blessed year of 4-H horseback riding has ended.  I had a great time riding with my friends and spending time with Onyx (the beautiful paint mare from Eagle's Rest). She, with the help of others, helped teach me a lot about riding. The last day was actually the first horse show at Eagle's Rest, and I had a lot of fun competing, riding, and fellowshipping with my friends and family.  They had a variety of events, such as the "boot race" and barrel racing.  An amazing part of that day is that I had never galloped before (not on Onyx) and the last day was the first time I galloped...I am grateful for the opportunities I had and for the valuable time spent with friends. My faith was strengthened.

Secondly, I am part of a band, Settings of Silver.  We started out early this summer, and are continuing to practice and learn how to play together.  I am currently lead singer and play piano or keyboard, as well as guitar.  It is a blessing to be able to be with each other each week and praise God through music.

Thirdly, some of our family is attending a youth meeting at our church that meets on Wednesday nights for Bible study and games throughout the summer.  It is a great encouragement to be around other believers, and to be able to share with them.
I have also been training for a 5K as well as Civil Air Patrol Summer Encampment. Attending encampment is required to promote to the officer ranks. It will be in late July through early August. However, I missed a week of running due to back injuries, and will miss at least four weeks of running due to a broken toe (which means that I may not run at Encampment).  Through this, I am grateful for the opportunity to share God’s word more, and to continue to learn and live by it.

I am currently studying Latin online with Florida Virtual School (FLVS). Latin will (Lord willing) help me recognize medical terms more effectively. I am also taking Driver’s Education with FLVS, which has been very interesting.

"From the rising of the sun to its going down The LORD’s name is to be praised." -Psalm 113:3

Picture courtesy of Mrs. Stanley.  Thank you!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Horse" and Haybales

My horse club just participated in an actvity that they hadn't ever done before: a haybale decorating competition.
In order to decorate the haybale, we had to (1) make a plan, (2) approve the plan as a club, (3) submit the plan to the fair, who then (4) approves the plan; then we (5) follow the plan and decorate the bale.
This was a lot of fun, as Ms. Cindy, my horseback riding instructor, and Mr. Jeremy Zackowski, a horse trainer, as well as a lot of other helpful people (my family and friends!) helped me to finish the blueprint and submit it.  The blueprint was approved, along with six other entries. 
Once we knew it was approved, we went to the fairgrounds during two consecutive days and decorated the bale with spraypaint, wooden cow heads, rectangular haybales that we split, and a few other items. 
The decorating was a lot of fun, and after a few days, we found that we placed third!
(Thanks to Clay County Fair's Facebook stream for the picture!)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Wings of Dreams Airfest 2012

Andrew, Noah and I guarding the Mustang

This year I had the privilege of participating in the 2012 Wings of Dreams Airfest in Keystone Heights, Florida.  As part of Gainesville’s Civil Air Patrol squadron, my job was to control the crowd and guard the airplanes (including a Mustang!).  I was very busy the first day, due mainly to the airplanes that kept on flying in and out.  At one point in the show on Saturday, around five or six airplanes left at the same time- all in a row! 

Overall, the 2012 Wings of Dreams Airfest in Keystone Heights, Florida, is a very fun, interesting, historical, and fantastically exhausting experience.

I am on the far right, my brother Noah is the third from the right.
I am on the left, on the flightline, next to the two men.
I am on the third from the right (or the left), Noah is second from the right.
Andrew and I watching the ShandsCair Helicopter land.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Olustee & The Cavalry

           The Battle of Olustee re-enactment, which is held every February in northern Florida, is a must for anyone who is interested in Civil War History.
            I attended as an observer on Sunday, February 19th. My father and older brother had spent the night there with a local re-enactment group. The camp, where they slept, was full of white canvas tents and period tools.
            While I was there, I saw their cavalry, comprised of many horses, gallop and canter out firing at the troops.  During the battle the soldiers demonstrated a maneuver called "the square"., which my father and brother were involved in. In this maneuver troops form a square to keep the cavalry from coming in.  During this strategic move, the cannon fired on them, and due to pyrotechnics on the field, an explosion occurred within the square! 
            The battle was very engaging, the pyrotechnics were impressive, and the re-enactors were both realistic and believable.  
Nehemiah Cook

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fort Myers & Horses

 Psalm 145:9 - "The LORD is good to all, And His tender mercies are over all His works."
This year we traveled down to Fort Myers to engage ourselves in a surprise birthday party for our grandfather, which took place two Sundays ago.  We ordered eight pizzas for 20 people-all of the pizzas were eaten.  I had a great time swimming in their pool and watching old videos of my older sister when she was younger.

On our way back, we stopped at a Burger King, which had horses in a field nearby.  One of them reminded me of Belle, an Arabian back at Eagle's Rest (as shown below).  It was nice to be able to see horses that looked like ones back home while eating at a Burger King!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Alligators, Roller Coasters, and Cookies

1 Chronicles 16:34 - "Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever."
Recently I visited St. Augustine with my family, and visited the Alligator Farm, a zoological park featuring Alligators, Crocodiles and other wildlife.  While we were there, a kind worker let us feed the alligators.
I saw Maximo, the huge alligator that has been there for a long time (as long as I can remember), some monkeys, an albino alligator, and other wildlife.

At Busch Gardens I rode about 15 times on the roller coasters there.  They had a new one called Cheetah Hunt that would zip the riders up to the top instead of having a long suspenseful wait.  This coaster lasted over a minute!  I also visited Jungala, a place with a lot of fun suspended rope "tubes", and X-cursions, where they had different wildlife in little habitats.  While I was there, I saw a snake with stitches in one of the habitats.  I also saw a horse model made out of wood! 

We had a great turnout for the Cookie Bowl!  We had two teams, the Allies and the Chainsaws.  We had a few quarterbacks, including my neighbor, my brother, my friend and myself!  I had a lot of fun, and during halftime we had cookies and Gatorade, courtesy of my sister, and my parents, respectively.  One of my neighbors won the halftime reward for the best performance! 
When I left to go to Liberty Riders (I had to ride that day), I had finished my role as a QB for my team, leaving it tied 42 to 42. 
When I came back, I learned the final score: 126-119. 
The Allies won in overtime!


Pictures courtesy of Joseph Cook (top and middle), and Elizabeth Smoak (bottom).  Thanks so much! :D