Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"Horse" and Haybales

My horse club just participated in an actvity that they hadn't ever done before: a haybale decorating competition.
In order to decorate the haybale, we had to (1) make a plan, (2) approve the plan as a club, (3) submit the plan to the fair, who then (4) approves the plan; then we (5) follow the plan and decorate the bale.
This was a lot of fun, as Ms. Cindy, my horseback riding instructor, and Mr. Jeremy Zackowski, a horse trainer, as well as a lot of other helpful people (my family and friends!) helped me to finish the blueprint and submit it.  The blueprint was approved, along with six other entries. 
Once we knew it was approved, we went to the fairgrounds during two consecutive days and decorated the bale with spraypaint, wooden cow heads, rectangular haybales that we split, and a few other items. 
The decorating was a lot of fun, and after a few days, we found that we placed third!
(Thanks to Clay County Fair's Facebook stream for the picture!)