Monday, April 25, 2011


I have recently been immersed in one of my many hobbies, making Chainmail.  I originally got the idea from, but I ran with it and have just finished making the first ever (that I've heard of) Pop-Tab Chainmail Hood.  This would not be used in battle, but rather for show or for dress occasions because of the fragility of the tabs.  The hood is made out of approximately 800 soda can tabs, individually picked and sorted.  The project has taken about six months to complete.  Out of the many possible variations, I finally decided that this one was the best.  Below I have included some pictures of the hood. 
This is the front of the hood.

This was most likely the hardest part of the whole hood; the top.  Notice the tabs spiraling in towards the middle.

This is the back.  It was also very complicated to make; since I had to join the two halves into a seam.

The next thing I would like to make is a Pop-Tab Tunic.  It would be much, much, much easier than making the hood. Also, for those who wonder, The dark tab on the front of the hood is one of two Pop-Tabs that were supposedly run through the dishwasher.

The hood is made up of over 1000 Pop-Tabs that some of you readers and followers have kindly donated.  Thank You!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Strength: Update

Above is a glimpse as to what Strength might be like. This document was taken from the first day of filming.  I was able to take the shots you see checked above, since Coach Goforth helped me get onto the field.  As you can see, I still need the rest of the shots for the movie, so it might take a little while to release.  The Coach was a little worried that I stopped the filming half-way through, but he was relieved to know that I wasn't getting paid to film because if I was it would have been "too bad".

Please keep checking for new updates and outtakes.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Strength: The Inspirational Short

I am currently working on an inspirational short called Strength with some of my amateur film friends.  The theme for the short is on the power to control words.  We will be trying to use as much of our own music as possible so that anyone who wants to buy a copy of it can.  Today, Lord Willing, will be milestone #1, the first day of filming.
If anyone is wondering why I posted this on my blog it is because I would like to have the DuckTape swords in a scene from the film.  I will post more about the movie later.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

First O.A. Meeting/Battle

Thank You to all who showed up to the O.A. meeting Monday!  Next battle I will try to acquire a few water balloons for those of you who prefer to be flame throwers. :)

For those of you who could not make the battle, and would like to know more about it, we started with a woods skirmish, and then we did a lot few open field battles. 

One of my brothers was using my biggest sword, dubbed "The Wallop Sword", and it was an especially dangerous threat because the blade unintentionally can fly off during battle.  If it didn't wallop me, it certainly dolloped me!

We learned that PVC cement or glue is better than using only Duck Tape at the joints, because it makes the swords more durable.
I recently assembled a battle axe, and during the battle I attached cloth streamers that made a menacing whooshing sound as it was swung.  The sound of it was just about as threatening than the weapon itself!

For those of you who are wondering what armor to make for the next battle, I strongly suggest that you find some leg, arm, head, and shoulder protection.  Football pads or converted knee pads will work very well for shoulder protection.

I learned that our teams would have had fairer victories, had we balanced them early on.  Our teams were pretty disorganized until the last battle, when we changed teams, and had a tougher fight.

I also learned that all rules should be pr-established and reviewed, and that you need to hit someone hard so that they, and the referees know that they're hit.

Overall, it was a very fun meeting, and I will Lord willing have another one soon.